Michelle Paris, MA, DC
With 8 years of dedicated training in aesthetics and 28 years as a medical professional, I prioritize safety and results above all. My commitment to ongoing education ensures that I stay at the forefront of current technology and research, dedicating six hours of study and practice for every hour spent with clients. Your well-being and satisfaction are my top priorities.
Most people don't want to leave looking differently; they want to look like themselves. I quip that I am often surprised when I pass a mirror because in my mind's eye, I look so much better than I actually look. Bring photos from 10, 20, or 30 years ago. This will help me see your specific age-related progression, and you can tell me which parts of your former self you want to recreate.
If you really want to know about me, please read my blurb below.
Areas of Expertise
Science & Art
Dermal Solutions including fillers, neuromodulators, biostimulators and intimate enhancements.
Prollenium Versa 2016
TLATA – Neuromodulators 2016
Allergan and Galderma provider online training
AAPOM (American Academy of Procedural & Occupational Medicine) 2019 - Present
Advanced neuromodulators
Facial analysis and filler training
PRP for sexual health and hair restoration
Victoria Hunter, NP one-on-one individual advanced training - October 2019-and December 2019
Galderma hands-on training, AMSPA (American Medical Spa Association) Las Vegas, January 2020
Merz Training, Kristin Palmer, NP – Radiesse Hyper-dilute as bio-stimulating agent March 2020
Sculptra Training 2021, Galderma,
RHA Training: Teoxane and Brooke Nicole, 2021, 2022
Swift Beauty Training
Brooke Nicole, August 2022
RHA training June 2022, July 2022, October 2022
Radiesse Jawline Advanced Training, October 2022
Proficient in Conversational Spanish
I opened RejuvaWell in late 2016 to fill a personal need. As I aged, I found I was running around to hormone specialists and aesthetics clinics. As a chiropractor, I found that neither of these places were addressing the whole person, just a cheek, or a symptom. I wanted to do it better. ​ So in late 2016 I opened a big clinic, hired several providers and decided I would become the conductor of the orchestra. But I found that spa injectors as a group, are often unreliable and because they are usually young, they want to leave at 5 for happy hour. (Seriously, I had a 25 year old NP tell me that I just didn't understand how important it was that she leave early to see her friends.) The pandemic had us pivot to public health service and we became a large Covid testing lab long before tests were readily available. Following 2 years of 90 hour workweeks and lots of employees, like many others, I re-evaluated what was important to me. I moved RejuvaWell into one half of a duplex that I own and it's just me! Now I have complete control over the entire patient experience and I am loving it. Though I work with young people who want to plump up their lips, and I also treat many men, my target market is 45-75 year olds. Why? Because I'm one of them and I understand what that want and need. One of the issues I had when I myself was going to spas, was that the practitioner would ask me what 'bothered me'. I found this completely frustrating because I look at me every day. I wanted to know what their artistic eye and scientifically skilled knowledge thought I should do. Now that's what I do. I've tried to figure out how to explain that I only want to see the people that I want to help and I only want to do it my way. But... it comes out sounding bossy and harsh. And though I have been accused of being a bit bossy at times, injectables are more than ordering a double chai latte. It really is the blending of art and science, and as such, when I begin a painting, I can't have someone telling me to add more blue and to stop when I've painted 1/3 of the painting. I can estimate what I'm going to need to achieve the best result, but I don't actually know until I get working. How a face reacts, what I discover is the bone structure, how much fat exists under the skin to augment I can't know until I stick a needle inside. Come to me if you want to look fabulous, you know it may take more than one visit, you're committed to a journey of restoration and regeneration and you're willing to relinquish control and let me do my thing! I love answering questions, but I need creative license to accomplish the results you need.
Our Mission
Actively engaging with aesthetic goals without losing sight of the bigger picture; your body, your choice.
More often than not, I suggest to people what they should NOT do. Sometimes more is less, and other times more really is more. Collaboratively working together, we can strategize a long-term plan to optimize what you have and restore much of what you've lost.
But it's always a losing battle! We will each get older and deciding what that looks like is a wonderful opportunity for growth. To grey or not to grey, that is the question.

Reason to Choose US
Rejuvawell offers a variety of non-surgical options. From medical facial to dermal fillers to bio-stimulating agents and body improvement choices, we can make a difference. Some clinics become large and therefore codify treatment so everyone gets the same lips, cheeks, etc. It's a quality control issue. That's why a small boutique medspa will always be more flexible and provide options that you can't find at large or chain clinics.
Your injector never knows it all. Training is constant and ongoing. What we did a year ago, will be different today because of continued practice, new techniques and new products offerings.
Results are terrific, and a low price is nice, but we compete on results and safety, not price.