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What We Do For Body

Image by Alexander Krivitskiy

Non-Surgical Body Sculpting in Austin


Often combining both TruSculpt and Exilis yields great results. Not surgical results, but pretty impressive and safe!


Treatment Protocols

Larger areas are treated with the large truSculpt handpiece and require only one treatment. This also takes up to 12 weeks for the final results to materialize.


Exilis Ultra can be set to just tighten skin, or to blast fat AND tighten skin. For larger areas, we have found that combining truSculpt with Exilis leads to a smoother, more uniform result. A typical Exilis protocol is once a week for 4 weeks. Results can take 6-12 weeks to appreciate. Exilis will not destroy as much adipose tissue as truSculpt, but for many people and in many areas, this is all that is required.


The standard protocol for larger areas such as abdomen, bra or back fat, flanks or saddlebags, is one truSculpt treatment, followed by 4 Exilis treatments once a week, starting 2 weeks after the initial truSculpt treatment.

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